Oct 29, 2010


Time seems to be working in fast forward. The more I have to do the less time I have to do it.

I have only two weeks left until my due date and I am starting to get super nervous. We are also in the middle of selling our house; we got the price agreed upon, the inspection done, and repairs in the works, next is the appraisal... and moving out! 

Moving out to where? Dad's house...Dun DUN Duhhhh... Just kidding, it's not bad, it's just while we either transition to a new home here or to Fairbanks. We still don't know whether or not we are staying in Anchorage or moving to Fairbanks, but that is the way of the Army. And while all this is happening I am 38 weeks preggers and trying not to be uber b***** wife, hopefully I am not doing too bad.


Oct 13, 2010

Too Many Balls to Juggle?

Once again I need those cleaning fairies!! We have our first possible showing of the house today! WOW that was fast! So here I am up at 5am ready to clean! Who would have thought?? (if you told that to my dad he would never believe you).

This week has so far been pretty great. I have been helping out set up Christmas decorations at a little gift shop I used to work at, sooo much fun :) AND I get all kinds of fun goodies to take home....

My mom is flying in today for my baby shower on Sunday!! Only 30 days left until November 12th :)
Mom and I 

Other Richardson news, the hubby has a potential job in Fairbanks. FAIRBANKS, wait did I say FAIRBANKS?!? I already live in Anchorage, and it's freakin' cold HERE, but FAIRBANKS!! Okay, okay I know they have heat and all, but geeze it's cold there. 
Fairbanks is beautiful, but sure makes me want to shiver!
It happens to be a job that would fit him perfectly, and he may just get a little enjoyment out of the rest of his time in the Army. In all actuality, I hope he gets it. If I have to freeze my butt off for two years, so be it. And best of all he won't deploy!! 

A pretty random post, but I guess that has been the theme to my week so far... random....

Oct 7, 2010

Dear Cleaning Fairies

Dear Cleaning Fairies,

Do you think you could make a stop by my house today? My floors really need to be cleaned.

Chelsea :)

Yes, it is cleaning time. Very important right now, because we are putting our house on the market this weekend! A little freaked, a little excited, and thinking that maybe....just maybe.... I am insane?

Well, we will just have to see now wont we?

Oct 1, 2010

Top 5

Okay so a Top 5 is literally your all time Top 5 favorite... whatever....

I started doing Top 5's in high school. I had this super awesome English teacher, Mr. Reese, and every friday we would do a Top 5. We would write them all down in this binder we had, I think I still have mine... somewhere. Then we would talk about them. It really got people to get to know each other in a kind of unconventional way....

Top 5
Accomplishments You Are Most Proud Of
1. Graduating College
2. Supporting My Husband Through Two Deployments
3. Buying a House
4. Running (and training for) A Half-Marathon

I can't think of a last one. So for now, I will just leave it blank until I can fill it in.

Thats the Top 5 for today :)

Have a beautiful day!

Where to Start?

I am new to this whole blogging thing, and who knows if I will even be successful at it. I am not much of a writer and have always envied those who it came so natural to, so, here it goes..

I guess the very first thing to do would be to tell you a bit about me and my family right?

Well, I am Chelsea, most people call me Chels. I am married to my best friend, Joshua. We have been married three going on four years now. We met thru mutual friends and Joshua fell in love with me that first day. On the other hand it took me a bit longer to warm up to him, mostly because I was so shy, I couldn't get my words out. I guess he thought that was pretty cute.

We got engaged three days before Joshua's first overseas tour to Iraq, much to my parents distress.
Oh,  FYI my parents love my hubby now, they just freaked a little when their 18 year old, only daughter, recent high school grad, announced she was engaged. Anyways back to us... We married 8 months later during Joshua's R&R. Joshua came home in Nov of '07 and we had a wonderful first year living together.

Then the life of a military spouse was once again a reality when he deployed in Feb '09 for another year, this time to Afghanistan. He made it home safely in Feb of '10, thank goodness.

For me, the biggest changes have happened in the last seven months. First of all, we got pregnant!! I have my first baby bump and I am about 34 weeks along now.

Second I graduated college, with honors, thank-you-very-much.

Graduation day is definitely on my Top 5 best days ever (right up there with getting married).

And to get right up to date we are currently looking at selling our house and moving in to a bigger one. So, major changes are happening for the Richardson's...